Twilight Struggle

Turn 1	
ah: Red Purge
sh: Truman Doctrine
s1: Duck & Cover, take Afganistan                  [  1][  1]
a1: 2ops
s2: CIA, Coup Pakistan, 1 + dr4 (0/0)
a2: 1ops
s3: China Card
a3: Europe Scoring                                 [  0][  1]
s4: Coup Iran, 3 + dr6 (0/4)
a4: Space Vietnam                                  [  2][  3]
s5: 1 ops
a5: 4ops
s6: NASSAR           
a6: 2 OPS
MO:                                                [ -2][  1]


Turn 1	
ah: Red Purge
sh: Truman Doctrine
s1: Duck & Cover, take Afganistan                  [  1][  1]
a1: 2ops
s2: CIA, Coup Pakistan, 1 + dr4 (0/0)
a2: 1ops
s3: China Card
a3: Europe Scoring                                 [  0][  1]
s4: Coup Iran, 3 + dr6 (0/4)
a4: Space Vietnam                                  [  2][  3]
s5: 1 ops
a5: 4ops
s6: NASSAR           
a6: 2 OPS
MO:                                                [ -2][  1]

Turn 2
ah: Marshall Plan
sh: De Gaulle
s1: 3ops
a1: Suez, coup Egypt, 3 + dr6 (3,0)
s2: 2ops
a2: Asia Scoring                                   [  5][  6]
s3: Decolonization
a3: USA wins Korean War
s4: 2ops
a4: 3ops
s5: 1ops
a5: 2ops
s6: De-Stalinization
a6: 2ops


Turn 2
ah: Marshall Plan
sh: De Gaulle
s1: 3ops
a1: Suez, coup Egypt, 3 + dr6 (3,0)
s2: 2ops
a2: Asia Scoring                                   [  5][  6]
s3: Decolonization
a3: USA wins Korean War
s4: 2ops
a4: 3ops
s5: 1ops
a5: 2ops
s6: De-Stalinization
a6: 2ops

Turn 3		
ah: Middle East Scoring                            [ -3][  3]   
sh:	Red Scare
s1: 4ops
a1: Coup Venezulea, 2 + dr3 (0/0)
s2: Coup Columbia, 3 + dr6 (0/6)
a2: Europe Scoring,                                [ -5][ -2]
s3: 2ops
a3: China Card, 4ops
s4: 2ops (defectors)                               [  1][ -1]
a4: 1ops
s5: Fidel
a5: Asia Scoring                                   [  6][  5]
s6: Space Norad                                    [ -1][  4]
a6: 1ops


Turn 3		
ah: Middle East Scoring                            [ -3][  3]   
sh:	Red Scare
s1: 4ops
a1: Coup Venezulea, 2 + dr3 (0/0)
s2: Coup Columbia, 3 + dr6 (0/6)
a2: Europe Scoring,                                [ -5][ -2]
s3: 2ops
a3: China Card, 4ops
s4: 2ops (defectors)                               [  1][ -1]
a4: 1ops
s5: Fidel
a5: Asia Scoring                                   [  6][  5]
s6: Space Norad                                    [ -1][  4]
a6: 1ops

Turn 4		
ah: SouthEast Asia Scoring                         [  3][  7]
sh: Junta, Coup Panama, 2 + dr1
s1: 3ops
a1: Panama Canal Returned
s2: 3ops
a2: 2ops
s3: Coup Cameroon, 2 +dr6, (0/5)
a3: Space Flower Power
s4: 3ops
a4: Coup Cameroon, 3 +dr5, (1/0)
s5: Coup Cameroon, 2 +dr5, (0/4) (Portuguese..)
a5: Coup Cameroon, 3 +dr2, (0/1)
s6: 1ops
a6: Arms Race                                      [  3][ 10]
s7: Quagmire
a7: Out with John Paul II


Turn 4		
ah: SouthEast Asia Scoring                         [  3][  7]
sh: Junta, Coup Panama, 2 + dr1
s1: 3ops
a1: Panama Canal Returned
s2: 3ops
a2: 2ops
s3: Coup Cameroon, 2 +dr6, (0/5)
a3: Space Flower Power
s4: 3ops
a4: Coup Cameroon, 3 +dr5, (1/0)
s5: Coup Cameroon, 2 +dr5, (0/4) (Portuguese..)
a5: Coup Cameroon, 3 +dr2, (0/1)
s6: 1ops
a6: Arms Race                                      [  3][ 10]
s7: Quagmire
a7: Out with John Paul II			
USA plays Nuclear Subs, card 1, then makes 6 coups.		
This does not halt a 29 point swing to the USSR.	
Turn 5
ah: Duck & Cover                                   [  3][ 13]
sh: Brush War takes Panama                         [ -1][ 12]
s1: Central America Scoring, Max Control           [-10][  2]
a1: Nuclear Subs* Event
s2: South America Scoring, Max Control             [-10][ -8]
a2: Che, USSR takes Zimbawe and misses on Botswana
    Coup Brazil, 3 + dr6 (3/0) 
s3: Decolonization
a3: Allende, Coup Angola, 1 + dr3, (0,0)
s4: 4ops
a4: U2, 3ops, Coup Argentina, dr1                  [ -1][ -9]
s5: China, Control Africa
a5: 1ops, Coup Zaire 1 + dr3, (1/1)
s6: 2ops
a6: Willy, Coup Angola, 2 + dr6, (3/0)             [ -1][-10]
s7: Cultral Revolution, take China Card
a7: 4ops, Coup Panama dr6, (4/0)


USA plays Nuclear Subs, card 1, then makes 6 coups.		
This does not halt a 29 point swing to the USSR.	
Turn 5
ah: Duck & Cover                                   [  3][ 13]
sh: Brush War takes Panama                         [ -1][ 12]
s1: Central America Scoring, Max Control           [-10][  2]
a1: Nuclear Subs* Event
s2: South America Scoring, Max Control             [-10][ -8]
a2: Che, USSR takes Zimbawe and misses on Botswana
    Coup Brazil, 3 + dr6 (3/0) 
s3: Decolonization
a3: Allende, Coup Angola, 1 + dr3, (0,0)
s4: 4ops
a4: U2, 3ops, Coup Argentina, dr1                  [ -1][ -9]
s5: China, Control Africa
a5: 1ops, Coup Zaire 1 + dr3, (1/1)
s6: 2ops
a6: Willy, Coup Angola, 2 + dr6, (3/0)             [ -1][-10]
s7: Cultral Revolution, take China Card
a7: 4ops, Coup Panama dr6, (4/0)			
Turn 6
ah: The Voice of America
sh: Lone Gunman, Coup Angola dr1, (2/0)
s1: Africa Scoring                                 [ -6][-16]
a1: Space OPEC, fail
s2: 4ops
a2: Space Vietnam Revolts, fail. No Space 2vp this turn.
s3: 1ops
a3: Colonial Rear Guards Event
s4: Liberation Theology Event
a4: 3ops, realign Mexico to 0/0, Cuba to 0/2
s5: 1ops 
a5: 3ops
s6: China Card
a6: 2ops, Coup Cameroon, dr4, (3,0)
s7: Space Puppet Governments
a7: 2ops, realign Nigeria to 0/0,
MO:                                                [  1][-15]


Turn 6
ah: The Voice of America
sh: Lone Gunman, Coup Angola dr1, (2/0)
s1: Africa Scoring                                 [ -6][-16]
a1: Space OPEC, fail
s2: 4ops
a2: Space Vietnam Revolts, fail. No Space 2vp this turn.
s3: 1ops
a3: Colonial Rear Guards Event
s4: Liberation Theology Event
a4: 3ops, realign Mexico to 0/0, Cuba to 0/2
s5: 1ops 
a5: 3ops
s6: China Card
a6: 2ops, Coup Cameroon, dr4, (3,0)
s7: Space Puppet Governments
a7: 2ops, realign Nigeria to 0/0,
MO:                                                [  1][-15]			

Turn 7
ah: Bear Trap
sh: Summit                                         [  2][-13]
    Then USA moves Defcon to 4 (?)
s1: Out
a1: Duck and Cover                                 [  2][-11]
s2: 3ops (Che), coup Angola, dr3, (0/2)
a2: Space OPEC                                     [  2][ -9]
s3: 2ops
a3: 2ops
s4: Muslim Revolution Event
a4: 2ops
s5: 2ops
a5: 2ops, Coup Zimbabwe, dr1
s6: 2ops, Camp David Accords* Event                [  1][ -8] 
a6: 4ops
s7: Space Ussuri River Skirmish
a7: 3ops ( repel the Muslim Revolution )


Turn 7
ah: Bear Trap
sh: Summit                                         [  2][-13]
    Then USA moves Defcon to 4 (?)
s1: Out
a1: Duck and Cover                                 [  2][-11]
s2: 3ops (Che), coup Angola, dr3, (0/2)
a2: Space OPEC                                     [  2][ -9]
s3: 2ops
a3: 2ops
s4: Muslim Revolution Event
a4: 2ops
s5: 2ops
a5: 2ops, Coup Zimbabwe, dr1
s6: 2ops, Camp David Accords* Event                [  1][ -8] 
a6: 4ops
s7: Space Ussuri River Skirmish
a7: 3ops ( repel the Muslim Revolution )			

Turn 8
ah: Brush War vs Venezuela                         [  1][ -7]
sh: Romanian Abdication (3rd time with that card)
s1: 4ops, Coup Egypt dr1, (2/0)
a1: South America Scoring                          [  5][ -2]
s2: 3ops, NORAD
a2: 2ops
s3: Central America Scoring                        [ -1][ -3]
a3: 2ops
s4: Iron Lady 3ops, Argentina lost... hate that.   [  1][ -2]
a4: 2ops, continue Africa march
s5: Asia Scoring Event                             [  7][  5]
a5: 2ops
s6: 2ops, Our Man in Tehran
			South African Unrest
			Pershing II Deployed
			Iranian Hostage Crisis
a6: 2ops
s7: Middle East Scoring                            [  0][  5]
a7: 3ops


Turn 8
ah: Brush War vs Venezuela                         [  1][ -7]
sh: Romanian Abdication (3rd time with that card)
s1: 4ops, Coup Egypt dr1, (2/0)
a1: South America Scoring                          [  5][ -2]
s2: 3ops, NORAD
a2: 2ops
s3: Central America Scoring                        [ -1][ -3]
a3: 2ops
s4: Iron Lady 3ops, Argentina lost... hate that.   [  1][ -2]
a4: 2ops, continue Africa march
s5: Asia Scoring Event                             [  7][  5]
a5: 2ops
s6: 2ops, Our Man in Tehran
			South African Unrest
			Pershing II Deployed
			Iranian Hostage Crisis
a6: 2ops
s7: Middle East Scoring                            [  0][  5]
a7: 3ops
Turn 9
ah: Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You..
       Europe Scoring
       The Reformer
       Nazi Scientist
       Marine Barracks Bombing
sh: We Will Bury You                               [ -3][  2]
s1: 4ops, Coup Saharan States, dr1, (0/2)
a1: 2ops
s2: Africa Scoring                                 [ -3][ -1]
a2: Space Liberation Theology, fail
s3: Terrorism Event
     .. USA discards Solidarity
a3: 2ops, Ortega Elected
     .. Sovites coup Honduras, dr3, (1/0)
s4: 3ops Evil Empire                               [  1][  0]
a4: 3ops
s5: 2ops, Coup Guatemala, dr5, (0/4)
a5: Alliance For Progress* Event                   [  4][  4]
s6: 2ops, Defectors, Coup El Salvador, dr6, (0/5)  [  1][  5]
a6: 3ops, Coup Nicaragua, dr5, (5/0)
s7: Space Tear Down This Wall
a7: China Card, realign Cuba out


Turn 9
ah: Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You..
       Europe Scoring
       The Reformer
       Nazi Scientist
       Marine Barracks Bombing
sh: We Will Bury You                               [ -3][  2]
s1: 4ops, Coup Saharan States, dr1, (0/2)
a1: 2ops
s2: Africa Scoring                                 [ -3][ -1]
a2: Space Liberation Theology, fail
s3: Terrorism Event
     .. USA discards Solidarity
a3: 2ops, Ortega Elected
     .. Sovites coup Honduras, dr3, (1/0)
s4: 3ops Evil Empire                               [  1][  0]
a4: 3ops
s5: 2ops, Coup Guatemala, dr5, (0/4)
a5: Alliance For Progress* Event                   [  4][  4]
s6: 2ops, Defectors, Coup El Salvador, dr6, (0/5)  [  1][  5]
a6: 3ops, Coup Nicaragua, dr5, (5/0)
s7: Space Tear Down This Wall
a7: China Card, realign Cuba out			

Turn 10
ah: Chernobyl          (Europe)
sh:	Salt Negotiations  (The Reformer).. good pick
s1: China Card, realign West Germany Out
a1: 3ops, coup in Argentina, dr6-1, (4/2)
s2: The Reformer as event 
a2: 2ops, coup Zaire, dr6-1, (3/0)
s3: 4ops, coup Mexico, dr2-1, (1/0)
a3: 2ops
s4: 3ops 
a4: 3ops
s5: 2ops 
a5: 2ops
s6: 2ops, Reagan Bombs Libya                       [  1][  6]
a6: 4ops
s7: Space North Sea Oil, fail
a7: The Voice of America, take Africa


Turn 1	
s1: Duck & Cover, take Afganistan                  [  1][  1]
a3: Europe Scoring                                 [  0][  1]
a4: Space Vietnam                                  [  2][  3]
MO:                                                [ -2][  1]

Turn 2
a2: Asia Scoring                                   [  5][  6]

Turn 3		
ah: Middle East Scoring                            [ -3][  3]   
a2: Europe Scoring,                                [ -5][ -2]
s4: 2ops (defectors)                               [  1][ -1]
a5: Asia Scoring                                   [  6][  5]
s6: Space Norad                                    [ -1][  4]

Turn 4
ah: SouthEast Asia Scoring                         [  3][  7]
a6: Arms Race                                      [  3][ 10]

Turn 5
ah: Duck & Cover                                   [  3][ 13]
sh: Brush War takes Panama                         [ -1][ 12]
s1: Central America Scoring, Max Control           [-10][  2]
s2: South America Scoring, Max Control             [-10][ -8]
a4: U2                                             [ -1][ -9]
a6: Willy                                          [ -1][-10]

Turn 6
s1: Africa Scoring                                 [ -6][-16]
MO:                                                [  1][-15]

Turn 7
sh: Summit                                         [  2][-13]
a1: Duck and Cover                                 [  2][-11]
a2: Space OPEC                                     [  2][ -9]
s6: Camp David Accords* Event                      [  1][ -8] 

Turn 8
ah: Brush War                                      [  1][ -7]
a1: South America Scoring                          [  5][ -2]
s3: Central America Scoring                        [ -1][ -3]
s4: Iron Lady                                      [  1][ -2]
s5: Asia Scoring Event                             [  7][  5]
s7: Middle East Scoring                            [  0][  5]

Turn 9
sh: We Will Bury You                               [ -3][  2]
s2: Africa Scoring                                 [ -3][ -1]
s4: Evil Empire                                    [  1][  0]
a5: Alliance For Progress* Event                   [  4][  4]
s6: Defectors                                      [  1][  5]

Turn 10
s6: Reagan Bombs Libya                             [  1][  6]

USSR receives 6 VPs for Europe.
US   receives 6 VPs for Asia.
US   receives 1 VPs for Middle East.
US   receives 7 VPs for Central America.
US   receives 4 VPs for Africa.
US   receives 5 VPs for South America.
American player has The China Card for 1 VP.	    [ 18][ 20]		


Above the Fields