Round # 12

Scenario: Varsity Blues (#103)

Win Type: Sudden Death Time 8

VP Count: German 13VP

t1 German   15th card
t2 American 54th card
t3 German   72nd card [Deck]
t4 German   19th card
t5 American 72nd card [Deck]
t6 German   39th Card
t7 American 42nd Card


Game was much closer than the VP's. Early on Sgt. White was saved by giving up the Initiative card. Meanwhile Lt. Blankenship and troops were bullying their way through the northern woods, dispatching all they were able to melee. During Time 6 the Germans are up on VP yet 3 units short of surrender with no cards again and Blankenship again ready to advance, which he did, into a 2 unit German stack. Win this and one more German unit to go for surrender, a VP win also possible but not certain . Germans had no Ambush cards. Americans had two Ambush cards, but with a differential of 7 decided to keep both. Germans roll a '12', to Time 7 and the Sudden Death DR was not 6 or less. Germans kept the Init card, Americans turn to try and roll 6 or higher, did not, and the Germans won the -7 melee. Time 8 turned out to be just around the corner and the Germans surrendered the Init card for a SD re-roll which after the Americans gave it back the Sudden Death DR stuck.

Time 1 (German 15th card)
Time 2 (American 54th card)
Time 3 (German 72nd card [Deck])
Time 4 (German 19th card)
Time 5 (American 72nd card [Deck])
Time 6 (German 39th Card)
Germans in the middle of winning a -7 [ 8:15] melee. Roll Tide.
Time 7 (American 42nd Card)
Sudden Death Time 8

Above the Fields